Artistic Statement

I am a French theatre-maker working between Paris and London and everywhere in-between.

Since 2007, I have been creating performance works for theatre, art galleries and public spaces, using a combination of storytelling, anthropological observations, task-based choreography, video footage and found objects. I like to blur the frontiers between fact and fiction, between the everyday and the autobiographical, while playfully deconstructing the mechanics of representation; interrogating what we see and what remains hidden from us. My research interests include memory, language and cultural identity; the domestic and the poetic; how we present ourselves to the world and how we interact with our environment. I am actively engaged in the dynamics of collaboration, across fields and internationally, and enjoy working with people coming from different expertise and realms of life. More recently, I have been developing a series of interdisciplinary collaborations with artists coming from other fields such as dramaturgy, sound composition, choreography and practice-as-research; exploring ways through which artistic experiment and critical discourse can interplay with one another. My research process, defined by a boundless curiosity, healthy collaborative practices and an in-depth investigation into personal and political matters, culminate in intelligent, subtle, warm performance shows that are equally humorous and thought-provoking.

My work has been regularly funded by Arts Council England, the British Council and supported by The Junction, Corn Exchange Newbury, Shoreditch Townhall, National Theatre Studio. It has toured extensively in the UK (Soho Theatre, Battersea Arts Centre, Oval house, Camden People’s Theatre, Royal Exchange, Northern Stage, Forest Fringe, Mayest, Pulse) as well as in France (Nanterre-Amandiers, Théâtre de Bagnolet, Studio-théâtre de Vitry, 104), the U.S.A., Australia and Europe.

I have a PhD from Paris 10-Nanterre University, my thesis was entitled “Everyday Corporeality Bodies on Stage in Contemporary French and English Performance 1991-2011”. I am currently working as a Lecturer in Theatre Studies at Paris 8-Saint Denis University.